In the grand tapestry of human history, events have played a significant role, serving as moments of connection, celebration, and storytelling. FromCleopatra's extravagant gatherings along the Nile to the lavish costume parties of French royalty, events have evolved alongside human aspirations and societal changes. The advent of the industrial revolution and the rise of the internet in the 1990s ushered in a new era of event management, democratizing the field, and transforming the way we plan and experience events. This article explores the evolution of event planning from the 1990s to the present, delving into the transformative impact of technology, the rise of experience marketing, the challenges posed by the spread of Covid-19, and the emergence of innovative event management tools and strategies.

The Digital Frontier Unveiled: The Dot-Com Era and Beyond

In the late 1990s, the world witnessed a paradigm shift with the advent of the dot-com era, which marked a significant milestone in the history of the internet. This transformative technology revolutionized event planning, providing new tools and opportunities for organizers. The rise of the so-called dot-com era saw the emergence of online event registration systems, event websites, and email invitations, enabling event planners to reach a wider audience and streamline the registration process.

Up Until the ’90s, event planning relied heavily on traditional methods, such as phone calls, printed materials, and in-person interactions. The process of organizing events involved manual handling of paper-based processes and tasks, such as sending invitations through the post, managing RSVPs through phone calls or by fax and filling in registration forms by hand. Communication was often slow and labour-intensive, with organizers relying on postal services and face-to-face meetings to coordinate logistics.

If you were scheduling events prior to the 1990s, you almost certainly used a large notebook or ledger and a pencil. (Hence, the phrase “I’ll pencil you in.”) Scheduling books still exist today, but you won’t see them being used in any venue that has even a moderate number of event attendees.

However, the advancements of the internet brought forth new possibilities for event planning. With the emergence of online event registration systems, attendees could register easily from anywhere with an internet connection. Event websites became a central hub for information, allowing organizers to showcase event details, agendas, and speaker profiles. Email invitations became a popular method for accessing a wider audience and for efficiently tracking responses.

The Democratization of Event Management: from Professionals to Everyone

The digital revolution democratized event management, breaking down barriers to participation and empowering individuals of all backgrounds to organize their own events. Event management software played a pivotal role, providing accessible tools that streamlined processes and simplified tasks. With user-friendly interfaces and intuitive features, these software solutions allowed even novice event planners to navigate the complexities of organizing successful events.

The democratization of event planning not only expanded the field but also fostered a culture of creativity and innovation. It opened doors for diverse perspectives and fresh ideas since organizations of all sizes and individuals could bring their unique visions to life. From intimate local gatherings to large-scale conferences, event management became a realm where passion and imagination thrived.

The’90s laid the groundwork for the technological advancements that continue to shape the event industry today. They set the stage for future developments, such as mobile apps, augmented reality experiences, and 3D venues. While the technology of that era may seem dated compared to what we have today, it was the first significant step towards a more interconnected and accessible event management landscape.

Experience Marketing and the Power of Immersion

As the 21st century began to unfold, a new approach to event planning materialized, experience marketing. Event organizers recognized the importance of creating immersive and memorable experiences that went beyond merely gathering people together. The integration of technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), transformed events into captivating narratives, transporting attendees into interactive and engaging environments.From interactive exhibits to gamified experiences, events became powerful platforms for brands to connect with their audiences on a deeper level, forging emotional connections and creating lasting impressions.

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Rise of Virtual Events

The year 2020 brought unprecedented challenges with the global outbreak of theCOVID-19 pandemic. Although event tech platforms were established in the ’90sand early 2000s, it was the transformative impact of the pandemic that propelled them to new heights.

As the pandemic forced the cancellation and restriction of in-person gatherings, event organizers turned to virtual and hybrid events to rapidly adapt and still connect with their audiences.The existing event tech platforms, borne out of the earlier years, became crucial tools in this new landscape. Event tech platforms met the needs of virtual and hybrid events, providing features like live streaming integration, virtual exhibitor booths, networking lounges, and interactive chat functionalities.

Event websites became the central hub for providing information and updates about virtual and hybrid events. Ticketing platforms enabled organizers to sell virtual event tickets and manage registrations seamlessly. Mobile event apps evolved to facilitate virtual networking, live streaming, and interactive features to enhance the remote attendee experience. 3D venue platforms found renewed relevance in creating virtual event environments that replicated the atmosphere of physical venues.

The impact of the pandemic accelerated the adoption and advancement of these technologies, pushing them to new frontiers. The demand for seamless virtual event experiences propelled further innovation, with the integration of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality to create immersive and engaging virtual event environments.

Moreover, the pandemic underscored the importance of data-driven insights and contactless solutions in event management. Organizers sought to understand attendee behaviour and engagement patterns in the virtual space, leveraging data analytics from event tech platforms to inform future event strategies and content. Contactless solutions, including touchless check-ins, digital badges, and cashless payment systems, gained prominence as safety measures and hygiene precautions became paramount.

Looking to the future, event tech platforms will continue to evolve and embrace evolving trends. AI integration will further automate tasks and personalize experiences, while virtual and augmented reality technologies will offer even more immersive event experiences. Hybrid events will become the norm, bridging the gap between physical and virtual attendees, and providing flexible participation options. Sustainability and data-driven insights will drive decision-making, and contactless solutions will remain a priority for attendee safety.

The Homo Eventus Unveiled: Event Managers of Yesterday and Today

As we explore the historical narrative of event management evolution, it is worth to humorously reconsider the anthropological classification of event managers.  Let's examine two distinct types, the Homo Eventus of the ’90s: Partyus Maximus and the Homo Eventus of the present day: Techsavvyus Eventus!

TheHomo Eventus of the ’90s: Partyus Maximus!


Partyus Maximus, the extravagant event planner of the ’90s, was the master of lavish soirées and extraordinary celebrations. With an affinity for grandiosity, Partyus spared no expense in creating opulent events that left guests in awe. Known for their bold fashion choices, which included vibrant sequinned suits and oversized sunglasses, Partyus commanded attention wherever they went. With a trusty flip phone permanently attached to their ear, Partyus navigated the event-planning landscape with a unique blend of charm and charisma. They thrived in an era when personal connections and face-to-face interactions were crucial in event planning. Armed with a rolodex bursting with contacts and a penchant for handwritten invitations, Partyus brought together the crème de la crème of society for unforgettable experiences.

 Behold, the Homo Eventus of the present day: Techsavvyus Eventus!


Techsavvyus Eventus, the modern event planner extraordinaire, is the master of digital prowess and technological innovation. Clad in trendy athleisure wear and armed with an arsenal of gadgets, Techsavvyus seamlessly integrates cutting-edge event tech platforms into every aspect of their planning process. With an array of sleek devices, including the latest smartphone and smartwatch, Techsavvyus is always connected and ready to tackle any event challenge. 

Techsavvyus relies on lightning-fast email communications, social media promotions, and sophisticated event management software to streamline operations. Their expertise lies in harnessing the power of data analytics and leveraging AI algorithms to curate personalized event experiences for attendees. Techsavvyus Eventus embraces the world of hybrid events, effortlessly blending physical and virtual realms to create seamless and inclusive gatherings. They are at the forefront of emerging technologies, experimenting with holographic projections, virtual reality simulations, and mind-boggling 3D venues. With a deep understanding of the latest trends, Techsavvyus crafts immersive experiences that leave attendees in awe. 

While Partyus Maximus revelled in the glory of the ’90s, Techsavvyus Eventus embraces the future of event planning with a digital-first mindset. With a touch of humor and an arsenal of tech wizardry, Techsavvyus ensures that events today are a captivating blend of innovation, connectivity, and memorable occasions.

So, which one are you? Rest assured that with Meetingbox empowering event managers become Techsavvyus Eventus, the possibilities for creating innovative and seamless events are limitless.