We are continually working on new features to enhance the usability and the quality of Meetingbox. In the last release, we launched a great new tool, one that will literally speak to your clients.  

One of the big lessons learned from hosting virtual events is that guests want to be greeted and guided. Many virtual event attendees have never been to one before, and therefore don't know how to get around or which buttons to press. Also, of course, every virtual event has a different setup.  

It was our eager wish that no one feels lost; we wanted to offer support from the moment the attendee clicks the event link.

We want to present to you our virtual event host.  

Now you can stand out with personalized, individual video greetings and guidance at your event. The interactive host can welcome the guests and can be implemented in any room for further interaction, communication, and support. This makes sure there's no friction in the attendee's journey, but they feel welcomed, and there's a place they can turn to whenever they have any questions.  

Explore the new possibilities coming with an interactive host: find out your guests' needs, take care of them instantly and store the feedback for later. Use the information to make the next event even more adjusted to the customer's needs.  

More about the new feature

Our new feature is based on prerecorded videos. It pops up automatically when entering a room or by clicking the icon set anywhere within the venue. Your guests can respond via video, audio, text, and multiple choice. Perfect for answering questions directly, or you could suggest Q&As. If you want to follow up, just hit reply. Have the backend of the feature open in a separate tab, so you can be on-sight and answer the questions coming in from all the rooms at the same time! Every interaction is recorded, transcribed, and organized for you.  

How does it work?  

This Video Communication Tool is fully integrated into your virtual event, and you can place it in every room you like. Your attendees can see it in full screen, pop up, or slide overview. This new feature allows you to get face-to-face with your audience through prerecorded videos, which will greet the guests and guide them through the event.  


A great way of entertainment. Think about it: the virtual host can be a famous celebrity or the event's actual host. Imagine being a guest and getting greeted by the event host personally! The new feature is highly interactive and provides a new way of chatting and conversating.

Our new virtual host helps your guests get the best from the event! For more information contact us here.